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Search UMBC Training Centers



Columbia Location: UMBC Training Centers
(Westridge Corporate Center)
6996 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 100
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 443-692-6600
Fax: 443-692-6602


UMBC Training Centers will be closed for the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Eve
  • New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Juneteenth
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve
  • Christmas Day

Students observing other religious holidays should notify the course instructor if they will miss any class time. However, class materials and assignments are expected to be made up. Classes could be conducted on Martin Luther King Jr Day, Valentine’s Day, Presidents’ Day, Indigenous People’s Day, Halloween, and Veterans Day. Always check with your Program Coordinator with questions.


In the event of inclement weather such as snow or ice, UMBC Training Centers does NOT follow the UMBC campus closing schedule.

Should the forecast predict inclement weather, the Program Coordinator and each Course Instructor will determine whether students and instructors should report to class that day. If they decide to cancel the class, the following steps will occur:

  • If group training is scheduled for that day, the Program Coordinator will contact the Account Contact to advise that the Course is cancelled. The Account Contact must then contact their students directly and advise accordingly. This process should occur on a daily basis until the inclement weather has passed.
  • If open enrollment training is scheduled for that day, the Program Coordinator will contact each student via email and advise that the Course is cancelled.

Students and Instructors should always check the UMBC Training Centers website at www.umbctraining.com for a Closing Message, or call (443) 692-6600 to confirm any changes in schedule, as a pre-recorded message will be played.



I. Student will receive a 100 % refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 14 calendar days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams. Notifications must be made in writing either by email to: registration@umbctraining.com

or by letter to:

UMBC Training Centers, LLC

Attn: Registrar

6996 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 100, Columbia, MD 21046.

Students who cancel registrations after a program or class start, will not qualify for a refund. For reschedules made within 14 calendar days from the course start date, students must reschedule immediately for a current, published course, up to a maximum of six months from the original enrollment date of the class. A student may only reschedule a maximum of two times within the six month window.

II. If a student does not attend a scheduled course without the required prior notification, the funds will be forfeited, and rescheduling will not be allowed.

III. Red Hat Kiosk Exams are non-refundable. They can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the exam session at: http://red.ht/2FPsner


Columbia Location:

  • Classrooms are available from
    • 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Weekdays
    • 5:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Evenings
    • 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Saturdays (if classes are scheduled)
    • Closed – Sundays
  • A Break Room is located to the side of the reception area. There are vending machines, a refrigerator, and microwaves for Student and Instructor use.
  • Restroom facilities are accessible via the main lobby area and break room. Leaving the UMBC Training Centers suite, walk down the hallway to the left of the stairs. The restroom codes are: 5234 for men and 4231 for women.


UMBC Training Centers is equipped with wireless access for the convenience of our students. Access may be limited during class hours at the discretion of the instructor. If you have any questions, please be sure to contact the Help Desk at techsupport@umbctraining.com.


UMBC Training Centers is not responsible for the personal property of students. UMBC Training Centers’ staff recommends that students only bring items with them that are necessary to participate in class. Students are expected to behave in a manner that preserves their safety and well-being and the safety and well-being of others.

If a situation occurs at UMBC Training Centers that you believe requires emergency medical attention or if a crime has occurred, please dial 911 or ask someone at the scene to dial 911 first from any phone on the premises to reach the fire department or the police.


In each of our locations, there are designated areas for students to take breaks and/or study. While in these areas, students must conduct themselves in a quiet, respectful manner, clean up after themselves, and take full responsibility for all of their belongings. UMBC Training Centers is not responsible for lost or stolen property.


Non-Discrimination Policy Statement

UMBC Training Centers does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, ethnic background, ancestry, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, veteran’s status, or religion in admission to, participation in or administration of its educational programs and activities, or employment practices in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (revised 1992), Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

Non-Degree Programs

All of the programs offered by UMBC Training Centers are non-credit, non-degree programs. Unless otherwise separately enrolled at UMBC, students enrolled in UMBC Training Centers courses and programs are not enrolled at the university.

Grading Policy

Part time, professional development programs are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Grading is based on adequate attendance and the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s performance. The instructor’s evaluation is based on the student’s class participation, performance on class projects, exercises and assignments and comprehension of the materials presented. Students enrolled in part time, professional development programs will successfully complete the program upon receiving a “Pass” grade and upon achieving 80% attendance.

Students enrolled in other courses or programs will not receive grades. These students will successfully complete a course or program upon achieving 80% attendance.

Certificate of Completion

Upon the successful completion of a course or program at UMBC Training Centers, students will receive a Certificate of Training. Certificates are generally distributed on the last day of class.

Assessments (for Online Students)

Students are given assessments throughout the duration of the course from time-to-time as determined by the instructor to indicate participation and proof of progress in the course. The assessments are not mandatory to complete the course; however, they are helpful to indicate attendance, understanding, and learning. Please contact your instructor with questions about the assessments. Unless otherwise noted, assessments will be available within the Learning Management System.

Attendance Policy

Instructors shall record daily class attendance. Students must attend 80% of class to successfully complete their course/program. If students attending a course or program at a UMBC Training Center facility miss a class, they must notify the instructor and their Program Coordinator in advance and make arrangements to make up the material.

If students taking an online course miss a class, they may view the recording of the class on Blackboard, which will be posted within 24 hours after the conclusion of the class. This viewing will be considered proof of attendance. It is the responsibility of the student to make up materials missed during class.

Full time, vocational programs have more specific attendance requirements. These will be documented in the programs’ Enrollment Agreement.

Leave of Absence Policy

On occasion, for personal or professional reasons, students must interrupt their training. UMBC Training Centers, in its discretion, may attempt to work with students to allow them a leave of absence while still enabling them to complete their course/program. If students are interested in taking a leave of absence, they should put their request in writing, explicitly setting forth the reason for the requested leave, and submit this request to registration@umbctraining.com.

Audit Privileges

If students have successfully completed a course/program and have fulfilled all financial obligations, they may audit this same course/program for a period of one year after their original course/program start date. The audit privilege is not applicable towards other courses of study. This privilege is extended on a space-available/stand-by basis only and cannot be confirmed until the start of the class that will be audited. If students do not successfully complete their course (80% completion required), audit privileges will not be extended. Please note that if UMBC Training Centers does not offer the course that the student previously completed, the student will not be able to audit another course in its place. The Audit Policy is only applicable to training that is provided by UMBC Training Centers’ and does not apply to training that may be resold or hosted for a partner or third party training institution.

Students must register to audit before the start of the desired course. Please contact an Admissions Representative at 443-692-6599 or admissions@umbctraining.com to register to audit a course or to get information on possible dates to audit a course.

Please note: If the course material changes or there is an upgrade in the program, students who audit are responsible for purchasing any new materials.

Academic Records

Students have the right to review their academic records. If students would like to review their files or would like to request a transcript for full time vocational programs or a copy of their Certificate of Training for part time vocational programs, they should contact (443) 692-6600 or submit an inquiry to registration@umbctraining.com.

Tuition and Fees

UMBC Training Centers’ programs are priced individually and pricing vary based on program length, content and materials included. Our policy is to publish current pricing information on our website at www.umbctraining.com. Pricing is subject to change; however, once a student is registered in a program, he or she will not be required to pay any increases in the price of a program if such an increase occurs.

Any additional fees will also be published on our website; however, for most part-time vocational programs, all program costs are bundled into the price of the course.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

I. Student will receive a 100 % refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 14 calendar days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams. Notifications must be made in writing either by email to: registration@umbctraining.com

or by letter to:

UMBC Training Centers, LLC

Attn: Registrar

6996 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 100, Columbia, MD 21046.

Students who cancel registrations after a program or class start, will not qualify for a refund. For reschedules made within 14 calendar days from the course start date, students must reschedule immediately for a current, published course, up to a maximum of six months from the original enrollment date of the class. A student may only reschedule a maximum of two times within the six month window.

II. If a student does not attend a scheduled course without the required prior notification, the funds will be forfeited, and rescheduling will not be allowed.

III. Red Hat Kiosk Exams are non-refundable. They can be rescheduled up to 24 hours prior to the exam session at: http://red.ht/2FPsner

Student Conduct

The purpose of this Code of Student Conduct is to clearly communicate UMBC Training Centers’ expectations that will ensure a professional environment, a quality educational experience, and an atmosphere conducive to learning and collegiality, for all of our enrolled students and staff.

The following defines some, but not necessarily all, behavior and actions which will be considered misconduct and justification of UMBC Training Centers-imposed sanctions (defined more completely below):

  1. Behavior which jeopardizes the emotional or physical safety of self or others such as but not limited to unauthorized/illegal possession, storage or use of weapons or firearms; acts or threats of physical assault or abuse; sexual assault or rape; violence; intimidation; physical or emotional harassment; sexual harassment or misconduct; disorderly conduct; threatening behavior or indecent exposure.
  2. The unauthorized possession, use, sale or distribution of alcoholic beverages.
  3. The unauthorized possession, use, sale or distribution of illegal or un-prescribed narcotics, illegal drugs and controlled dangerous substances.
  4. Destruction, damage, abuse, theft or fraudulent use of UMBC Training Centers’ services or property.
  5. Unauthorized entry or presence in or on UMBC Training Centers’ property.
  6. Acts of dishonesty or falsifying UMBC Training Centers’ records.
  7. Failure to meet financial obligations to UMBC Training Centers.
  8. Disruption of class or any activity.
  9. Gambling, including raffles.
  10. Violations of federal, state and local laws.
  11. Improper uses of Computer and Technology such as breach of computer security, harmful access, unauthorized copying of programs and/or data, violation(s) of license, or unauthorized transfer of programs and/or data access denial or the attempt to commit such acts.
  12. Sharing any login information with another individual for any software/service utilized by UMBC Training Centers during the delivery of a course. This includes Blackboard, Adobe Connect, or any lab environment.
  13. Using any software/service utilized by UMBC Training Centers during the delivery of a course for any other purpose outside of what is specified by the scope of the course.
  14. Cellular phones should be muted during all classroom hours. Should a student need to take a cell call, they are asked to leave the classroom environment, as not to disturb other students.
  15. UMBC Training Centers recognizes the importance that families fulfill in the lives of students; however, the Training Centers is not an appropriate place for minor children and non-students. It is important that the educational atmosphere foster a respect for the needs of all our students and instructors.

UMBC Training Centers, in its sole discretion, may impose any of the following sanctions upon any student found to have violated the Code of Student Conduct:

  1. Disciplinary Reprimand – The student is warned and further violations of the Code of Student Conduct could result in Disciplinary Probation, Suspension or Expulsion.
  2. Disciplinary Probation – The student is placed on probation during which any further violation of the Code of Student Conduct may result in Suspension or Expulsion.
  3. Disciplinary Suspension – The student is placed on suspension for a period of time determined by UMBC Training Centers’ Administration. A suspended student is restricted from the UMBC Training Centers’ facility and may not be present within that facility without specific written authorization from the Administration. Students who violate this restriction may be subject to arrest for trespassing. A student who is suspended should exit the facility immediately. Any student who has been suspended waives all rights to a refund and the services included in the cost of the course.
  4. Disciplinary Expulsion – A sanction of expulsion permanently terminates a student’s status as an enrolled student. An expelled student is restricted from the UMBC Training Centers’ facility and may not be present within the UMBC Training Centers’ facility without specific written authorization from the Administration. Students who violate this restriction may be subject to arrest for trespassing. A student who is expelled should exit the facility immediately. Any student who has been expelled waives all rights to a refund and the services included in the cost of the course.

Please remember, UMBC Training is not required to use any particular sanction prior to expelling a student. While it is impossible to list every type of behavior that may be deemed a violation of the Code of Student Conduct, this policy includes examples of problems that may result in sanctions, including immediate suspension or expulsion.

UMBC Training Centers has the right to ask any student to exit the class if student behavior does not align with Training Center’s Code of Student Conduct.


UMBC Training Centers recognizes the importance that families fulfill in the lives of students. These guidelines address and outline the circumstances under which it is appropriate to bring non-student, minor children to classroom. The guidelines are intended to foster respect for the needs of all parties impacted by the presence of non-student, minor children on the campus, in the classroom.

In general, the classroom is not an appropriate place for non-students or minor children to be present. Exceptions to this general rule include:

1.      Minors who are enrolled as students at UMBC Training Centers
2.      Officially sponsored institutional programmatic activities for non-students and minor children with appropriate adult supervision.


It is the policy of UMBC Training Centers to maintain a place free of harassment and intimidation on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, marital or veteran status, status of a qualified individual with a disability, or any other category covered by applicable law. All Instructors, Teammates, Contractors, Vendors, Customers, Students, and visitors of UMBC Training Centers are required to abide by the rules of this Policy.

Sexual harassment may include any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any other verbal, physical, nonverbal, or visual communication, or conduct of a sexual nature, when submission to that conduct or communication is requested to obtain some benefit or when the conduct creates an intimidating, hostile, or otherwise offensive environment. Sexual harassment incidents can involve members of different sexes or members of the same sex. UMBC Training Center’s does not condone and will not tolerate harassment by any individual on our premises over which we have control.


UMBC Training Centers Human Resource Department is empowered to investigate complaints based on sexual or other types of harassment. UMBC Training Centers cannot take corrective action with regard to impermissible harassment unless it knows such a problem exists. Therefore, any incident or situation that you believe involves illegal discrimination or harassment, sexual or otherwise, must be brought to the immediate attention of UMBC Training Centers’ Human Resource Department. You have an obligation to report conduct that you believe constitutes harassment and to take advantage of the preventative and corrective opportunities provided by UMBC Training Centers.

Human Resources will take immediate and appropriate action once we become aware of a possible harassment situation. This includes a timely, fair, and thorough investigation of any report of harassment. No person will be adversely affected in employment or education with UMBC Training Centers as a result of bringing complaints of a violation of this policy or for participating in an investigation. If you feel you have been retaliated against, you should report it to Human Resources.

After an investigation UMBC Training Centers will take any corrective action it determines is appropriate, up to and including discharge of employment or expulsion from UMBC Training Centers. Any individual who intentionally makes a false claim of harassment is subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Personal Relationship Policy

UMBC Training Centers strongly believes that an environment where individuals maintain clear boundaries between private and educational interactions is most effective for maintaining a professional atmosphere and for avoiding claims of harassment. As such, UMBC Training Centers strongly discourages any sort of romantic or sexual relationship between staff members, students, instructors and the organizations we serve.


Student feedback is collected upon completion of courses via the student survey and depending upon the duration and nature of the program, during courses at mid-point reviews. Additionally, we encourage students to provide feedback to faculty, staff and administration at any point. Please feel free to contact Lindsay Gaughan, Director of Training Operations, at lgaughan@umbctraining.com or 443-692-6600 Ext. 7110.


In order to maintain a harmonious relationship between UMBC Training Centers and its students, it is the policy of the Training Centers to provide for the settlement of problems and differences. The primary objectives of this Student Grievance Procedure are to ensure that students have the opportunity to present grievances to UMBC Training Centers regarding a certain action or inaction by a UMBC Training Centers staff member and that UMBC Training Centers has a way of resolving those grievances in a fair and just manner. The student generally must initiate a grievance no later than the end of the Course in which the alleged grievance occurred. If conditions beyond the student’s control prohibit filing a grievance during the time, the student should file as soon as reasonably possible. The burden of persuasion to allow for the filing of a late grievance is upon the student. The student should initially address the grievance to the Course Instructor involved unless that person is unavailable or the student believes in good faith that such individual will not deal with the grievance fairly. In such cases, the student is asked to initiate the grievance with the Director of Training Operations, Lindsay Gaughan, lgaughan@umbctraining.com or 443-692-6600 Ext. 7110.

Either the Course Instructor or the Operations Manager will make every reasonable effort to resolve any alleged grievance. Within the email, please explain the nature of the grievance, giving specific information, including the course name, dates, time, witnesses, and the desired outcome. Any additional information and/or supporting documentation should be attached to the email.

The Course Instructor or Operatons Manager may decide to conduct an informal investigation as warranted. Based upon the investigation, the Course Instructor or Operations Manager shall make a determination and submit his or her decision in writing to the student within thirty calendar days of receipt of the student’s grievance.

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