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Search UMBC Training Centers

Cloud Computing

Systems Operations on AWS

Group Training + View more dates & times


System Operations on AWS is designed to teach those in a Systems Administrator or Developer Operations (DevOps) role how to create automatable and repeatable deployments of networks and systems on the AWS platform. The course covers the specific AWS features and tools related to configuration and deployment, as well as common techniques used throughout the industry for configuring and deploying systems.

Who Should Take This Course


This course is for system administrators and software developers, especially those in developer operations (DevOps) roles.


Students should have attended the AWS Technical Essentials course and whose background is in either software development or systems administration. Students should also have some experience with maintaining operating systems at the command line (shell scripting in Linux environments, cmd or PowerShell in Windows) and have basic knowledge of networking protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP).

Why You Should Take This Course

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Use standard AWS infrastructure features such as Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), Elastic Load Balancing, and Auto Scaling from the command line
  • Use AWS CloudFormation and other automation technologies to produce stacks of AWS resources that can be deployed in an automated, repeatable fashion
  • Build functioning virtual private networks with Amazon VPC from the ground up using the AWS Management Console
  • Deploy Amazon EC2 instances using command line calls and troubleshoot the most common problems with instances
  • Monitor the health of Amazon EC2 instances and other AWS services
  • Manage user identity, AWS permissions, and security in the cloud
  • Manage resource consumption in an AWS account using tools such as Amazon CloudWatch, tagging, and Trusted Advisor
  • Select and implement the best strategy for creating reusable Amazon EC2 instances
  • Configure a set of Amazon EC2 instances that launch behind a load balancer, with the system scaling up and down in response to demand
  • Edit and troubleshoot a basic AWS CloudFormation stack definition
Course Outline

Day 1

  • System Operations on AWS Overview
  • Networking in the Cloud
  • Computing in the Cloud

Day 2

  • Storage and Archiving in the Cloud
  • Monitoring in the Cloud
  • Managing Resource Consumption in the Cloud

Day 3

  • Configuration Management in the Cloud
  • Creating Scalable Deployments in the Cloud
  • Creating Automated and Repeatable Deployments
Is there a discount available for current students?

UMBC students and alumni, as well as students who have previously taken a public training course with UMBC Training Centers are eligible for a 10% discount, capped at $250. Please provide a copy of your UMBC student ID or an unofficial transcript or the name of the UMBC Training Centers course you have completed. Asynchronous courses are excluded from this offer.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

Student will receive a refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 10 business days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams.

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