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Search UMBC Training Centers


Python for New Programmers

Group Training + View more dates & times


This course introduces participants to essential elements of computer programming and
provides an environment to get comfortable coding using the Python programming
language. In addition to learning how to code, this course focuses on practical, hands-on
experience with the latest, in-demand technologies that are currently in use today by software
developers and data engineers and data scientists. In this course, students will learn the
essentials of programming in Python, become familiar with common data science tasks such
as data ingest, data manipulation and data analysis and learn good software development
practices along the way.

How Our Python Training Benefits You

Important learning outcomes include:

  • Understand core concepts of computer programming
  • Understand good software development practices
  • Learn how to program using the Python Programming Language
  • Gain familiarity with the broad range of application areas that the Python programming language has impacted.
  • Gain a strong working knowledge of fundamental Python programming constructs such as built-in datatypes, variables, conditional logic, control Dow, loops, comprehensions, and functions
  • Learn how to work with important Python libraries
  • Learn applications to Data Engineering tasks such as data ingest, data filtering and cleaning
  • Introduce data manipulation using pandas


10 Days

Who Should Take This Course


This course is suitable for anyone wanting to learn how to code using the Python Language. Participants will learn proper software development techniques such as program design and debugging.


No prerequisites are needed for this course.

Course Outline

Getting Started with Programming

  • Running Python Notebooks from Google Collaboratory

Python Basics

  • Comments
  • Variables
  • Python Types
  • print()
  • input()
  • Arithmetic and Assignment Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Type Conversion

Control Flow

  • if-elif-else

Python Looping Constructs

  • for
  • while

Python Strings

  • Working with Strings
  • Built-in Python String Functions

Python Data Structures

  • Lists
  • Dictionaries
  • List Comprehensions

Python Functions

  • User-DeFned Functions
  • Python Built-in Functions
  • Object-oriented concepts
  • Classes and Objects

Python Libraries and Modules

  • Built-in Libraries and Modules
  • Installing Modules with PIP

Running Python from the Command Line

  • Python Interactive Shell
  • repl.it

Errors and Debugging

  • Types of Errors
  • Debugging

Program Design

  • Planning your ProgramDesign
  • Iterative Design –Write, Test, Repeat
  • Common Pitfalls for New Programmers

Working with Text Files

  • Python File I/O
  • open() function
  • with keyword

Working with Different Data Formats

  • JSON
  • CSV

Interacting with Public Data Sources via theWeb

  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
  • Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
  • Python requests Library
  • Data Conversion
  • Data Manipulation in Python

Pandas Basics

  • Why Pandas?
  • Series
  • DataFrames
  • Populating DataFrames
  • Importing CSV, Excel Data
  • DataFrame Columns and Cells
  • DataFrame Retrieval

Pandas and Data Analysis

  • Functions on DataFrames
  • Sorting
  • Statistics
  • Data Cleaning
  • Data Filtering
  • Groupby
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Data Analysis

Data Visualization

  • What is Data Visualization?
  • Working with Data Visualization Tools such as Tableau or PowerBI
Is there a discount available for current students?

UMBC students and alumni, as well as students who have previously taken a public training course with UMBC Training Centers are eligible for a 10% discount, capped at $250. Please provide a copy of your UMBC student ID or an unofficial transcript or the name of the UMBC Training Centers course you have completed. Asynchronous courses are excluded from this offer.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

Student will receive a refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 10 business days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams.

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