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Search UMBC Training Centers


Prompt Engineering II

Group Training + View more dates & times


Prompt engineering is the practice of designing, testing, and refining the input text (or “prompt”) given to a language model or other AI system to produce a desired output. Prompt engineering involves understanding how to communicate clearly and effectively with AI models. Prompt Engineering II continues from our Prompt Engineering I class to introduce students to the core intermediate and advanced prompting techniques.


1/2 day

Course Outline
  1. Review of Intermediate Techniques
  • Quick refresher on role-based, iterative, and few-shot prompting.
  • Discussion: When to use intermediate techniques.
  • Hands-on: Fine-tune prompts for specific outcomes.
  1. Advanced Prompting Strategies
  • Chain-of-Thought (CoT):
    • Step-by-step reasoning for problem-solving.
    • Demo: Solve logic puzzles or explain complex processes.
  • Tree-of-Thought (ToT):
    • Exploring branching possibilities for ideation or decision-making.
    • Demo: Brainstorm and evaluate solutions for a community issue.
  • Self-Consistency:
    • Generating multiple outputs and finding the most consistent answer.
    • Demo: Answer trivia questions using self-consistency.
  • Practice: Apply CoT, ToT, and self-consistency to real-world tasks.
  1. Additional Advanced Techniques (75 minutes)
  • Meta-Prompting: Critique or improve model outputs.
  • Retrieval-Augmented Prompting: Incorporating external data or documents.
  • Debate and Critique Prompting: Arguing opposing viewpoints.
  • Constraint-Based Prompting: Imposing limits on style, format, or word count.
  • Demo:
    • Meta-Prompting: “Improve your explanation for a beginner audience.”
    • Constraint-Based: Write a 50-word product pitch.
  • Hands-on: Create prompts for advanced scenarios.
  1. Interactive Exercises and Case Studies
  • Group task: Use advanced techniques to solve a complex, multi-step problem (e.g., plan an event, write a policy proposal).
  • Compare outputs and discuss optimization strategies.
  1. Wrap-Up and Next Steps (15 minutes)
  • Recap advanced concepts.
  • Resources for further learning.
  • Open Q&A.
Is there a discount available for current students?

UMBC students and alumni, as well as students who have previously taken a public training course with UMBC Training Centers are eligible for a 10% discount, capped at $250. Please provide a copy of your UMBC student ID or an unofficial transcript or the name of the UMBC Training Centers course you have completed. Asynchronous courses are excluded from this offer.

What is the cancellation and refund policy?

Student will receive a refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 10 business days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams.

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