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Search UMBC Training Centers

Career Foundations

Career Foundations: IT Help Desk

Group Training + View more dates & times


Students will receive comprehensive training in administrative and professional skills, Microsoft Office capabilities, and CompTIA Tech+ certification with our IT Help Desk course pathway. This course combines our training in essential workplace competencies, including professional etiquette, effective communication, customer service, time management, and core Microsoft Office skills with CompTIA Tech+ as an IT-focused extension of our Career Foundations: Administrative Skills pathway. Students will earn Microsoft Office 365 and CompTIA Tech+ certifications, refine communication and customer service abilities, and gain practical tools to set themselves apart in any workplace.

Workshops included:

Substantial training in these Microsoft Office applications:

Our complete training course in:

Course Duration:

119 training hours

Who Should Take This Course


This course is intended for students looking to gain key business skills, core competencies in Microsoft Office, and earn CompTIA Tech+ certification to take the first step into a career in IT. This training prepares students for the following positions:

  • Help Desk Technician
  • Technical Support Specialist
  • Desktop Support Administrator
  • Data & System Support Specialist


Students should be comfortable using Windows 10, including opening and closing applications, navigating files, managing folders, starting programs, switching between programs, locating saved files, and using a browser.

Why You Should Take This Course
  • Industry-Recognized Certifications: Boost your resume and gain certifications in Microsoft Office 365 applications and other vital workplace skills.
  • Career-Ready Training: Equip yourself with essential administrative skills and workplace strategies that will set you apart in any professional setting.
  • Empower Your Career with Tech Know-How: CompTIA Tech+ is the certification that equips individuals with the basic tech understanding needed to succeed in technology-based roles.
  • Broaden Your Career Horizons: CompTIA Tech+ provides the tech literacy essential for today’s digital economy, making it the perfect starting point for anyone looking to enhance their career with technology skills.
  • Dedicated Instructor Support: Learn from professionals who provide personalized guidance, ensuring you gain practical skills that contribute to your long-term career success.
  • Is there a discount available for current students?UMBC students and alumni, as well as students who have previously taken a public training course with UMBC Training Centers are eligible for a 10% discount, capped at $250. Please provide a copy of your UMBC student ID or an unofficial transcript or the name of the UMBC Training Centers course you have completed. Asynchronous courses are excluded from this offer.
  • What is the cancellation and refund policy?Student will receive a refund of paid registration fees only if UMBC Training Centers receives a notice of cancellation at least 10 business days prior to the class start date for classes or the exam date for exams.
  • What is Live Online training?Classes marked Live Online have the same content and expert instructors as our classroom training, but are delivered entirely online through our virtual classroom environment. Each class session is live, and led by an Instructor.

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