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Cybersecurity Risk Management and Compliance for ISSOs

This course focuses the student on a broad range of topics relative to risk-based planning and implementation for enterprise cybersecurity, looking at both internal and external threats. External threats will consider a variety of threat actors including nation states, terrorists, hactivists and criminals. Internal threats will focus on insider threat, exploring what insider threat means […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Cybersecurity Operations for ISSOs

This course presents a real-world view of Enterprise Cybersecurity Operations. Topics covered include Network Traffic Analysis, Threat Detection, Penetration Testing, Incident Response, High Availability & Disaster Recovery, and Data Analytics for Cyber. Students will see demonstrations and get some hands-on exposure to each of these topics.

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Information Systems Security for ISSOs

This course takes an operational approach to implementing and managing effective cybersecurity in highly networked enterprises. Topics include an evaluation of government and commercial security management models; security program development; risk assessment and mitigation; threat and vulnerability analysis and risk remediation; cybersecurity operations; incident handling; business continuity planning and disaster recovery; security policy formulation and […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Software and Systems Engineering for ISSOs

This course presents the core concepts of software and systems engineering including the software lifecycle.  Students will be exposed to software development methodologies including classic SDLC/Waterfall, Agile and DevOps. Best practices in software design and implementation with a view toward recognizing and avoiding weakness and vulnerabilities in software is a key part of this course. […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Software Systems Integration (SSI) Training Program

The following courses make up the SSI Learning Track: Principles of Systems Engineering Critical Thinking, Decision and Risk Analysis Software Engineering and Quality Assurance Systems Requirements System Architecture & Design Modern Enterprise System Architectures Modern Enterprise System Development The SSI classes are all: 5 days Monday – Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM  Students can […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Modern Enterprise System Development

The course also covers the use of modern Agile and DevSecOps concepts for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) of application development and maintenance. The information delivered enables key understanding in the configuration, automation, testing, monitoring, measuring, and governance required to build stable, scalable, secure and reliable development, build and configuration management processes.

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Modern Enterprise Architectures and Processes

A modern architect must navigate many technologies, systems, and interfaces. Enterprise architecture is an important enabler for strategic change. As organizations seek to become more agile and responsive, adopting a solid architectural approach is key. Taking advantage of new technologies and cleaning up legacy systems requires more than simply implementing a framework – it is […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

System Architecture & Design

This course covers the development of a system architecture and hardware/software system design within the overall systems engineering (SE) process. Major topics include development of an operational concept, functional decomposition, requirements allocation and partitioning, interface definition, inclusion of integrity, reliability, and maintainability within the design concept, validation and verification, technical performance budgeting, complexity management, and […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Systems Requirements

This course prepares the student to properly identify, define and confirm the system’s true requirements – prior to the design and development of the system. Even where system requirements have been defined prior to or external to an implementation, accurately captured, understood and rationalized requirements are essential for meeting stakeholders’ expectations, as well as avoiding […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

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