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Modern Product Management

This two-day Modern Product Management course is designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to implement a product-centric approach within the organization. The curriculum covers the entire product lifecycle, from understanding user needs and defining a product vision to prioritization, agile development, testing, and data-driven decision-making. Through multiple interactive two-hour modules, participants will […]

Project Management, Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Enterprise Architecture Practitioner’s Guide (Extended)

This course lays the foundation of the core EA concepts, using TOGAF as the common vocabulary for enterprise architecture. The course then focuses on practical skills to perform the foundational activities of EA: Developing a vision; establishing an architecture baseline; developing a target business architecture, target data architecture, target application architecture, and target technology architecture. […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Digital Engineering

This course covers the essentials of Digital Engineering, which is an advancement and evolution of proven Systems Engineering methods and frameworks. Digital Engineering is the use and development of computer models that represent all aspects of a complex product or system. The modeling process creates digital data and digital linkages that can be leveraged to […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Digital Engineering Modeling

Digital Engineering is the use and development of computer models that represent all aspects of a complex product or system. The modeling process creates digital data and digital linkages that can be leveraged to integrate product/ system design, development, delivery, and full lifecycle support. This course teaches the essentials of Digital Engineering Modeling. The focus […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Modern Software and Systems Engineering

This course covers the current concepts of software and systems engineering in the modern enterprise.  Students will review major software development methodologies including classic SDLC/Waterfall, Rapid Development, Agile, Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) and DevSecOps. Best practices in software design and implementation with a view toward recognizing and avoiding weakness and vulnerabilities in software is a […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

ISSO Certification Training Program

With the complexity and rate of change in modern information technologies and systems and the ever-increasing number of Cyber threats and attacks, the Information System Security Officer (ISSO) serves a critical role within Federal Government agencies. The ISSO must work with the Business, IT, and Security functions of the agency to ensure that Federal information […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Cybersecurity Fundamentals for ISSOs

The Cybersecurity Fundamentals course provides students with an overview of core information assurance (IA) and cybersecurity concepts.  The course will consist of lectures and hands-on labs for a multi-faceted learning experience.  This course will provide a good initial foundation for participants wanting to work in a corporate or government security role and ultimately pursue an […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Networking Fundamentals for ISSOs

Students will learn the fundamentals of computer networking, including physical components, logical design, local and wide area networks, network media including wireless and cellular, protocols, TCP/IP networks, performance considerations, and security considerations.

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

Leadership, Management and Communication Skills for ISSOs

Strong Information Security requires the following from an organization: additional processes and documentation; more attention to detail; coordination of teams and individuals; increased scrutiny for everyone. People and organizations are inherently resistant to all of the aforementioned. The ISSO plays a key role in ensuring that system security is achieved despite this resistance. This course […]

Systems Analysis & Systems Engineering

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