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Negotiation Principles

Being in a leadership role often requires an individual’s negotiation with a wide range of potential parties, from members of their own team to individuals leading teams in other organizations. Similar to conflict, the capability of using a combination of influence and persuasion along with a variety of negotiation tools effectively greatly enhances a leader’s […]

Leadership and Innovation

Navigating Critical Conversations in the Workplace

Disagreements and high-stake conversations occur frequently in today’s business environment and require effective handling for achieving desired outcomes. When stuck in a sticky situation, an individual must courageously speak up in critical moments for influencing the outcomes. Patterson, Grenny, McMillan, and Switzler’s Crucial Conversations compiles their 25 years of research on how to handle critical […]

Leadership and Innovation

Motivating and Influencing Others to Act

Leadership is an organization’s most critical competitive advantage in today’s highly competitive global environment. This practical and results-oriented course explains the many aspects of both leadership and motivation, as well as demonstrates their relation to one another. An individual can learn skills for motivating and influencing others and while some individuals possess a more ‘natural’ […]

Leadership and Innovation

Mastering Conflict

Teams that are lacking on trust are incapable of engaging in unfiltered, passionate debate about key issues, causing situations where team conflict can easily turn into veiled discussions and back channel comments. In a work setting where team members do not openly air their opinions, inferior decisions are the result. The desire to preserve artificial […]

Leadership and Innovation

Managing Multiple Projects and Priorities

Most, if not all of us, feel the pressures of daily living. Those combinations of our professional and personal life that make us feel as if there are not enough hours in the day. We are well aware of the fact that there are always 24 of them each day and it is we who […]

Leadership and Innovation

Management Skills for New Supervisors

Today’s strong first-time supervisors can act and react positively in virtually any situation and can always balance their concerns for productivity against their concerns for people. For an individual new to a supervisory role, if they can learn and master the skills of management, then the benefits accrue in the form of productive employees, strong […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leveraging Intrapreneurs in Your Organization

Intrapreneurship, a new phenomenon found in successful organizations, borrows from the principles of entrepreneurship and applies them within an individual’s own organization. As such, intrapreneurs spearhead new programs, products, services, and innovations for improving on issues they see in the organization and opportunities that remain unrealized. In this way, intrapreneurs use an entrepreneurial spirit for […]

Leadership and Innovation

Lean Leadership

Due to human capital and resource restraints felt by organizations across almost all industries, the concepts of lean have become commonplace in the practices of most organizations. Lean concepts seek the maximization of customer value while simultaneously minimizing waste; however, the implementation of these concepts requires strong leadership for facilitating and driving the lean improvements. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Leading with the “Right” Mind

During the last few decades, individuals naturally competent in logical and linear thinking were in high demand and found great success. However, the computational thinking of the Information Age is quickly becoming secondary to the inventive and empathic thinking of the Conceptual Age. As this emerging age affects our economy and society more and more, […]

Leadership and Innovation

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