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Developing an Agile Mindset

In this course, students will learn the value behind having an agile mindset and the advantage of “being” agile versus “doing” agile as it relates to adaptability. Through this course, students will explore ways to prioritize and manage change in dynamic, ever-evolving environments. By the end of the course, students will be armed with simple […]

Leadership and Innovation

Customer Service

Each and every one of us serves customers, whether we realize it or not. Maybe you’re on the front lines of a company, serving the people who buy your products. Perhaps you’re an accountant, serving the employees by producing their paychecks and keeping the company running. Or maybe you’re a company manager, serving your staff […]

Leadership and Innovation

Critical Thinking

In an effort to curb the tide on ineffective decision-making that is apparent in today’s work environments, this course was created specifically to deepen the understanding and application of crucial critical thinking methodologies and practices. Critical thinking is hard work. Our natural tendencies often cause us to ignore logic, refuse to look at the facts, […]

Leadership and Innovation

Business Acumen

If you are interested in progressing in any organization, you will need to understand what an organization’s competitive advantage is. Having business acumen means understanding how your business operates and is defined as the efficiency of a business person to understand, interpret, analyze, and deal with a business situation in a professional and profitable manner. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Business Etiquette

This course examines the basics of business etiquette, most importantly to be considerate of others, proper dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions, conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette. This course will help students look and sound their best no […]

Leadership and Innovation

Behaviors and Attitudes for Success in the Workplace

To be successful in the workplace, employees at all levels, from individual contributors all the way to executives, must be able to reinforce or strengthen their critical daily workplace choices influencing their behaviors and attitudes to put themselves in a position to succeed in the workplace. In this course, students will gain an understanding of […]

Leadership and Innovation


Did you hear about this concept at one of our online seminars? While we integrate this concept in many of our lectures, this is the full course that takes a deep dive into Self-to-Symphony. This trademarked concept describes a leader’s progression from first understanding and building themselves, to then doing the same for others, their […]

Leadership and Innovation

Succeeding on Virtual Teams

Today’s organizational landscape has shifted and the global economy has prompted businesses to change how they work. As individual contributors on teams, it’s essential to embrace tele-work and virtual collaboration as an essential way to provide value in the support of team success and organizational goals. As such, we must reframe our thinking about technology […]

Leadership and Innovation

IT Modernization – Tipping Point Workshop

We are in an era of revolutionary information technologies: Cloud Computing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Touch and Voice-driven User Experiences. Agile and DevOps methodologies and tools dramatically accelerate the rate of product and service development. The tools to modernize IT are plenty and powerful. IT Leaders in large corporate […]

Leadership and Innovation

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