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User Experience (UX)

Drawing on research and theory in design thinking, entrepreneurship, critical thinking, creativity, ethnography, and systems theory, this course enables participants to develop skills in how to think about difficult problems that are characterized by volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity and for which there are no options that satisfy the needs of all stakeholders and constituencies. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Building Effective Workplace Relationships

Developing strong internal and external workplace relationships in today’s society is a hallmark of effective leadership. The five elements of relationship building are vital for understanding what makes a strong workplace relationship. In this course, participants explore the following: Respect – is there healthy respect in a relationship? Shared Experiences – have there been ample […]

Leadership and Innovation

Building a Cohesive Team

Becoming a cohesive team requires discipline and determination, especially by the team’s leader. The leader must ensure the team achieves behavioral unification by leveraging a high level of rigor. Building a cohesive team requires an intentional decision by teammates who must willingly accept the work and sacrifices necessary to achieve the team’s collective outcomes.

Leadership and Innovation

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