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Future-Forward: Strength-Based Strategies for Innovation

During this highly interactive workshop, participants will gain a foundational understanding of a strengths-based approach to drive strategy and innovation initiatives. Through intentionally designed and choreographed conversations, participants will explore and experience an approach rooted in Appreciative Inquiry (AI) that they can immediately deploy to strengthen team dynamics, ignite creativity, and drive individual, team, and […]

Leadership and Innovation

Technical Writing

This course teaches you the fundamentals of technical writing. After completing this class, you will know how to do the following: Use terminology—including abbreviations and acronyms—consistently. Recognize and disambiguate pesky pronouns. Distinguish active voice from passive voice. Convert passive voice sentences to active voice. Develop strategies to make sentences clearer and more engaging. Create helpful […]

Leadership and Innovation

EEO and Affirmative Action

In this course, students will gain an understanding and application of all laws relating to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO), the rights and responsibilities of the employee, supervisor and manager, and liability on the part of supervision and the organization. In this interactive course with case studies and role plays, students will learn about techniques for […]

Leadership and Innovation

Techniques for Managing Stress and Pressure in the Workplace

In this course, students will develop and implement effective strategies to deal with stress and pressure at the personal or organizational level as well as effectively manage stress and pressure in the workplace. Students will learn how to identify the mental and physical effects of stress and pressure on themselves and others, as well as […]

Leadership and Innovation

Planning and Goal Setting Strategies

An individual’s ability to set goals and make plans to achieve them is the single most important skill they can develop within their work, regardless of their role as an individual contributor, manager, supervisor, or team leader. This course will  guide students through the process of planning, setting, and achieving their goals as effectively as […]

Leadership and Innovation

Managing Virtual Teams

More and more managers are faced with managing the ‘virtual’ workforce. Team members can be spread geographically – over regions, the country or the globe. Employees that work from home or travel frequently aren’t in the office enough for close interaction and communication. Managing a virtual workforce requires a unique set of processes and skills. […]

Leadership and Innovation

Exploring Creativity versus Innovation

In this course, students will learn the main difference between creativity and innovation is focus. Through this course, students will explore how creativity is the cognitive process of developing unique and useful ideas; whereas, innovation is the action process of adapting systems to better meet future needs. By the end of the course, students will […]

Leadership and Innovation

Effective Delegation Techniques

In this course, students will learn how to achieve more by assigning specific tasks to the appropriate staff, and yet remain accountable for any outcome. This course will provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to delegate tasks and responsibilities confidently and effectively to their direct reports in a way that develops them individually […]

Leadership and Innovation

Driving Employee Engagement

In this course, students will gain an understanding of the importance of employee engagement to success. They will learn what enables and hinders engagement, as well as how to strengthen and mitigate them respectively. Students will identify what makes employees feel valued and empowered to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work, which ultimately […]

Leadership and Innovation

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