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Metasploit Framework, Pen Testing Methodology & Malware Triage

Penetration Testing Methodology was developed to provide students with a comprehensive hands-on exposure to the processes, tools and procedures used by penetration testers. This course teaches students concepts and methods involved in targeting, infiltrating and expanding access within networks. The course allows students to understand the attacker mindset and learn how to simulate a real-world […]


Penetration Testing Methodology

Penetration Testing Methodology was developed to provide students with a comprehensive hands-on exposure to the processes, tools and procedures used by penetration testers. This course teaches students concepts and methods involved in targeting, infiltrating and expanding access within networks. The course allows students to understand the attacker mindset and learn how to simulate a real-world […]


Network & Packet Analysis

This course teaches the student the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and tools necessary to analyze network traffic for the purposes of intrusion and threat detection, network defense, and low profile offensive operations. The hands-on course begins with discussing the role of network packet analysis in computer network operations (CNO). After a detailed discussion of the TCP/IP […]


Metasploit Framework

The Metasploit Framework course was developed to provide students with an introduction to an exploitation framework or suite of penetration testing tools commonly used by penetration testers. This course provides students with an in-depth overview of the capabilities and contents of the Metasploit Framework and shows them how to install it, maneuver within it and […]


Malware Triage

Malware Triage was developed to provide students with a comprehensive hands-on exposure to the processes, tools and procedures used to identify common types of malware and to quickly determine their capabilities and threat level. This course teaches students concepts and methods involved in finding, analyzing and characterizing malware to determine how severe of a threat […]


Logical Reasoning & Structured Analytic Techniques

The overall objective of this class is to enable students to critically think about their analysis and what they are tasked to analyze.  A secondary objective is to provide students with a set of analytic tools to be used in future analytic scenarios.  At the end of the course, students will be equipped with a […]


Linux for Cyber Fundamentals

In this course, you will learn basic to intermediate end-user commands to help you navigate and use the Linux Operating System. Students will be prepared to: Log in and out of the system Perform tasks using terminal shells Navigate through the Linux file system Get help using the online manuals and documentation Understand Linux Bash […]


Linux for Cyber System Administration

In this course, you will build on Linux Fundamentals with more intermediate end-user and administrator command line operations focused on local system administration tasks. In this course, students will learn to: Run an Administrative Environment Manage and install system software Add and remove local storage, partitions, and filesystems Use Logical Volume Management Configure networking and […]


Intro to Malware Analysis

In this class students will learn the fundamentals of basic malware analysis through static and behavioral analysis of real and exemplar malware.  This hands-on course will walk students through setting up a proper sandboxed environment well equipped for malware analysis.  Students will be exposed to the compilation process that takes human readable code to compiled […]


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