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Advanced Excel

Clearly, you use Excel a lot in your role. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be taking this course. By now, you’re already familiar with Microsoft® Office Excel® 2019, its functions and formulas, a lot of its features and functionality, and its powerful data analysis tools. You are likely called upon to analyze and report on data frequently, […]

Computer and Network Administration

Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 1

Organizations the world over rely on information to make sound decisions regarding all manner of affairs. But with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of all of that data is becoming more and more challenging. Fortunately, this is where the power of Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021 […]

Computer and Network Administration

Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 2

Whether you need to crunch numbers for sales, inventory, information technology, human resources, or other organizational purposes and departments, the ability to get the right information to the right people at the right time can create a powerful competitive advantage. After all, the world runs on data more than ever before and that’s a trend […]

Computer and Network Administration

Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP)

Earning the globally recognized CSSLP secure software development certification is a proven way to build your career and better incorporate security practices into each phase of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). CSSLP certification recognizes leading application security skills. It shows employers and peers you have the advanced technical skills and knowledge necessary for authentication, authorization […]

Computer and Network Administration

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)

Validate your expertise and get the leverage you need to move up in your career. With ISACA’s Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) certification, you can do just that. CISA is world-renowned as the standard of achievement for those who audit, control, monitor and assess an organization’s information technology and business systems. CISA certification is foundational […]

Computer and Network Administration

Certified Chief Information Security Officer (C|CISO)

The CCISO Certification is an industry-leading program that recognizes the real-world experience necessary to succeed at the highest executive levels of information security. Bringing together all the components required for a C-Level positions, the CCISO program combines audit management, governance, IS controls, human capital management, strategic program development, and the financial expertise vital to leading […]

Computer and Network Administration

Windows Power User

This three-day course helps you build an understanding of these topics: Operating System Configurations, Installing and Upgrading Client Systems, Managing Applications, Managing Files and Folders, Managing Devices, and Operating System Maintenance. This course is updated in support of Windows 10.

Computer and Network Administration

CompTIA Tech+

CompTIA Tech+ (FC0-U71) introduces foundational technology knowledge and skills. The CompTIA Tech+ exam focuses on the essential technology skills and knowledge needed to perform tasks commonly performed by advanced end-users and entry-level IT professionals alike, including: This exam is intended for candidates who are advanced end users and/or are considering a career in IT. The exam […]

Computer and Network Administration


You will learn how to support the installation tasks associated with Windows 10. Students will develop skills that include learning how to install and customize Windows 10 operating systems and new Windows servicing model and methods for keeping Windows up to date. Discover how to support the configuration tasks associated with Windows 10. You’ll also […]

Computer and Network Administration

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