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Search UMBC Training Centers

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AI Bootcamp

The AI Bootcamp is an intensive, guided, hands-on LLM application development program. Attendees will work in teams gaining direct experience building a working LLM application and leveraging LLM technology. At the outset, this program organizes attendees into teams of an appropriate size, to ensure each attendee gains experience with all aspects of the project’s development. […]


Responsible AI and AI Risk Management Frameworks

This training introduces attendees to the many Responsible AI governance frameworks, risk management frameworks, and related resources that are available to organizations as they plan the safe and secure development, deployment, and use of AI systems. Duration 8 class hours (1 day)


Developing and Deploying AI/ML Applications on Red Hat OpenShift AI (AI267)

An introduction to developing and deploying AI/ML applications on Red Hat OpenShift AI. Developing and Deploying AI/ML Applications on Red Hat OpenShift AI (AI267) provides students with the fundamental knowledge about using Red Hat OpenShift for developing and deploying AI/ML applications. This course helps students build core skills for using Red Hat OpenShift AI to […]


The Modern CIO

This unique 12-month certification program is designed for the Modern CIO in the Federal Government, focusing on a holistic blend of business, technology, and customer-centric perspectives. Program Overview


AI Essentials

This 4-hour course offers a well-rounded survey of Artificial Intelligence for relative newcomers to the field. It provides an overview of AI and Generative AI fundamentals, surveys public and open-source models, and explores multi-modal systems and prompt engineering. The course also examines AI applications in data analysis and visualization, and introduces other AI tools for […]


Procuring and Managing AI Solutions

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing industries and government operations. However, procuring AI solutions for the federal government presents unique challenges, including navigating federal regulations, assessing vendor capabilities, and ensuring responsible deployment. This intensive, hands-on course provides federal procurement professionals, IT project managers, and contract managers with a comprehensive framework for acquiring, evaluating, and managing AI […]


Leading and Managing AI Transformation

Equips leaders with the knowledge and skills to navigate AI adoption within their agencies, fostering a culture of innovation and managing change effectively. Hands-on Activities Duration 2 days


Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Government

Provides a foundational understanding of AI concepts, terminology, capabilities, and how AI is transforming public sector operations. Hands-on Activities Duration 2 days


Security and Privacy in AI

Security and Privacy in AI is a comprehensive two-day course designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills to navigate the complex landscape of artificial intelligence security and privacy. This course addresses the growing need for professionals who can understand and mitigate the risks associated with AI systems while maximizing their potential benefits. On […]


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