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AI Strategy Workshop

This all-day AI Strategy Workshop is designed to help organizations move from AI curiosity to concrete action. The workshop provides a structured approach to identify, prioritize, and plan the implementation of AI initiatives that align with business goals. Participants will gain a shared understanding of AI’s potential, assess their organization’s current state, and collaboratively develop […]


Prompt Engineering II

Prompt engineering is the practice of designing, testing, and refining the input text (or “prompt”) given to a language model or other AI system to produce a desired output. Prompt engineering involves understanding how to communicate clearly and effectively with AI models. Prompt Engineering II continues from our Prompt Engineering I class to introduce students […]


Prompt Engineering I

Prompt engineering is the practice of designing, testing, and refining the input text (or “prompt”) given to a language model or other AI system to produce a desired output. Prompt engineering involves understanding how to communicate clearly and effectively with AI models. Prompt Engineering I introduces students to the core introductory as well as some […]


Introduction to Agentic AI

Generative AI tools such as ChatGPT to provide responses based on a single interaction. A person makes a query (or “prompt”) and the AI uses natural language processing to respond. The next powerful wave of artificial intelligence is agentic AI, which uses advanced reasoning and iterative planning to autonomously solve complex, multi-step problems. Agentic AI […]


AI Learning Subscription

To keep up with the rapid pace of change in the field of artificial intelligence, UMBC Training Centers has created a comprehensive learning subscription, providing subscribers with an unlimited series of instructor-facilitated 4-hour hands on workshops over the course of 12 months. This approach allows us to schedule and deliver AI-related content that is relevant […]


Building AI Skills for the Non-Technical Government Workforce

This course offers a well-rounded survey of AI for non-technical government staff. It provides an overview of AI and Generative AI fundamentals; examines the use of AI tools and co-pilots for expediting and automating common workplace tasks; presents AI applications in data analysis and visualization, and introduces other AI tools for image and media generation. […]


The Future Government AI Workforce and Organization

This course examines the impact of AI on the government workforce, organizational structures, transformation of leadership and operational roles, strategies for reskilling and upskilling employees, and managing innovation and change. Duration 2 days


Leveraging AI for Data Analysis and Visualization

This course examines how data analysts can utilize AI tools such as LLMs (Large Language Models) and other specialized tools to accelerate, automate and enhance their analyses, spreadsheets, programs, visualizations and presentations. Duration 2 days


AI Empowered Software Development

AI Empowered Software Development is an intensive three day hands on course exploring ways in which experienced software developers and teams can enhance their productivity dramatically through the use of modern AI tools including generative AI systems, coding assistants, co-pilots, development environment addons, simulated data generation tools, testing tools, deployment tools and collaboration tools – […]


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