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Introduction to Cloud Technology

This course provides an overview of cloud computing and a vendor-agnostic overview of cloud services offered. Focus is on introducing and comparing services provided by the three major cloud vendors (Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform).

Cloud Computing

Introduction to OpenShift Applications (DO101)

A developer-focused introduction to OpenShift application building, deployment, scaling, and troubleshooting. Red Hat® OpenShift® Container Platform is a containerized application platform that allows enterprises to accelerate and streamline application development, delivery, and deployment on-premise or in the cloud. As OpenShift and Kubernetes continue to become widely adopted, developers are increasingly required to understand how to […]

Cloud Computing

Kubernetes Application Essentials

Whether your focus is on developing containerized applications or managing a container-centric infrastructure, CN120 introduces Kubernetes container orchestration for everyone involved in the software development life cycle. Through a real-world approach for design and deployment considerations, students can expect to learn about the foundational Kubernetes components required for application workloads. Specifically, students will examine Kubernetes […]

Cloud Computing

Kubernetes Operations

CN220 centers on developing the skills and knowledge needed for Day-1 Kubernetes operations for managing applications. Using best practices as guiding principles, students will engage in topics pertaining to the Kubernetes architecture to make informed decisions for production workloads. Topics include configuring resource availability for applications, implementing advanced scheduling for applications, and administering user roles […]

Cloud Computing

Managing Virtual Machines with Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization (DO316)

Create and manage virtual machines on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operator Managing Virtual Machines with OpenShift Virtualization teaches the essential skills required to create and manage virtual machines (VM) on OpenShift using the Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization operator. This course does not require previous knowledge of containers and Kubernetes. This course provides: […]

Cloud Computing

Microsoft Azure Architect Design Track (AZ-301)

Learn how to manage security and identity within the context of Azure. Also, youll be introduced to multiple SaaS services available in Azure that for integration into existing Azure solutions. Learn to Compare and contrast various database options on Azure, identify data streaming options for large-scale data ingest, and identify longer-term data storage options. Learn […]

Cloud Computing

Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

This course will provide foundational-level knowledge of cloud services and how those services are provided with Microsoft Azure. The course can be taken as an optional first step in learning about cloud services and Microsoft Azure, before taking further Microsoft Azure or Microsoft cloud services courses. The course will cover general cloud computing concepts, as […]

Cloud Computing

Microsoft Azure Security Technologies

This course provides IT Security Professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to implement security controls, maintain an organizations security posture, and identify and remediate security vulnerabilities. This course includes security for identity and access, platform protection, data and applications, and security operations.

Cloud Computing

Migrating to AWS

This course is for individuals who seek an understanding of how to plan and migrate existing workloads to the AWS Cloud. You will learn about various cloud migration strategies and how to apply each step of the migration process, including portfolio discovery, application migration planning and design, conducting a migration, and post-migration validation and application […]

Cloud Computing

Migrating to IPv6

The migration of an IPv4 environment to an IPv6 environment requires a thorough understanding of the differences between the two protocols, as well as mechanisms for backwards compatibility with networks that have yet to complete the transition to an IPv6 implementation. As such this course will review the differences and similarities between IPv4 and IPv6 […]

Cloud Computing

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RH318)

 Deploy, configure, manage, and migrate virtual environments. Red Hat Virtualization (RH318) teaches you the skills needed to deploy, administer, and operate virtual machines in your organization using Red Hat® Virtualization. Through numerous hands-on exercises, you will demonstrate the ability to deploy and configure the Red Hat Virtualization infrastructure and use it to provision and manage […]

Cloud Computing

Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280)

Configure and manage OpenShift clusters to maintain security and reliability across multiple applications and development teams. Red Hat OpenShift Administration II: Operating a Production Kubernetes Cluster (DO280) prepares OpenShift Cluster Administrators to perform daily administration tasks on clusters that host applications provided by internal teams and external vendors, enable self-service for cluster users with different […]

Cloud Computing

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