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Part-Time Adjunct Instructor Positions

We are looking for excellent instructors to join our faculty. Most positions are part time and can accommodate a variety of schedules, including weekday, evenings and weekends. Some positions provide opportunities to travel although most of our programs are delivered locally. Currently, we are always seeking adjunct instructors in the following program areas:

  • Big Data/Data Analytics
  • Computer Science/Software Development
  • Cybersecurity
  • Information Technology
  • Leadership
  • Project Management

Applicants must have subject matter expertise in their area, 3+ years delivering instruction and a commitment to excellence in the classroom. If you are interested in joining our faculty, please send a message to jobs@umbctraining.com. Please include your qualifications, instructional experience, and availability.

Open Full-Time Instructor Positions

Cybersecurity / Information Technology Instructor

Open Staff Positions

Account Executive

Sales Development Representative

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