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Course Overviews

An acknowledged leader in the Linux world and widely used in the Mid-Atlantic technology corridor, Red Hat has become the premier choice for engineers and administrators in the region. Massive entities like the Department of Defense and defense contracting industry have chosen Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) as their Linux distributor of choice – but if you’re aiming for one of Red Hat’s notoriously difficult certifications, you’ll need to be prepared for the exam. We’re a 2017 Red Hat Advanced Training Partner offering dozens of Red Hat training courses, from RHCSA and RHCE exam preparation to specialized, advanced certifications. Check out what we have to offer!

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Red Hat Certified Systems Administrator (RHCSA) Certification

  • Red Hat System Administration I (RH124)

    Red Hat System Administration I provides a foundation for students wishing to become full-time Linux system administrators by introducing key command line concepts and other enterprise-level tools. These concepts are further developed in the follow-on course, Red Hat System Administration II (RH134).

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  • Red Hat System Administration II (RH134)

    This course goes deeper into enterprise Linux administration including file systems and partitioning, logical volumes, SELinux, firewalling, and troubleshooting. Attending both Red Hat System Administration I and Red Hat System Administration II can help you in your preparation for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam (EX200).

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  • Red Hat System Administration II with RHCSA Exam (RH135)

    Red Hat System Administration II (RH135) focuses on the key tasks needed to become a full time Linux administrator. This course goes deeper into enterprise Linux administration including file systems and partitioning, logical volumes, SELinux, firewalling, and troubleshooting. Attending both Red Hat System Administration I and Red Hat System Administration II can help you in your preparation for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam (EX200), which is included in this version of the course.

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  • Certificate in Red Hat Linux Administration (RH124 & RH135)

    The Certificate in Red Hat System Administration is designed to teach IT professionals across a broad range of disciplines how to perform essential Linux administration tasks including: installation, establishing network connectivity, managing physical storage, basic security administration, managing filesystems and logical volumes, managing scheduled jobs, managing SELinux, controlling firewalling, and troubleshooting. At the end of this certificate program, students will be prepared to sit for the Red Hat Certified System Administrator exam.

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  • RHCSA Rapid Track Course (RH199)

    On completion of course materials, students should be prepared to take the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam. This course builds on a student’s existing understanding of command-line based Linux system administration. Students should be able to execute common commands using the shell, work with common command options, and access man pages for help. Students lacking this knowledge are strongly encouraged to take Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and II (RH134) instead.

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  • RHCSA Rapid Track Course with Exam (RH200)

    On completion of course materials, students should be prepared to take the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) exam. This version of the course includes the exam. This course builds on a student’s existing understanding of command-line based Linux system administration. Students should be able to execute common commands using the shell, work with common command options, and access man pages for help. Students lacking this knowledge are strongly encouraged to take Red Hat System Administration I (RH124) and II (RH134) instead.

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  • Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200)

    This exam and the exam objectives provided here are based on the Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8 version of the exam. We are offering Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Exam (EX200) on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and 7 via Individual Exam Sessions.

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Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Certification

  • Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294)

    Red Hat System Administration III: Linux Automation (RH294) is designed for Linux system administrators and developers who need to automate provisioning, configuration, application deployment, and orchestration. You will learn how to install and configure Ansible® on a management workstation; prepare managed hosts for automation; write Ansible Playbooks to automate tasks; and run playbooks to ensure servers are correctly deployed and configured.

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  • Red Hat Certified Engineer Exam (EX294)

    The performance-based Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (EX294) tests your knowledge and skill in managing multiple systems using Red Hat® Ansible® Engine and executing common system administration tasks across a number of systems with Ansible. The skills tested in this exam are the foundation for system administration across many Red Hat products.

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  • Red Hat System Administration III (RH254)

    The course is focused on deploying and managing network servers running caching Domain Name Service (DNS), MariaDB, Apache HTTPD, Postfix SMTP null clients, network file sharing with Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), iSCSI initiators and targets, advanced networking and firewall configurations, and the use of Bash shell scripting to help automate, configure, and troubleshoot the system. Through lectures and hands-on labs, students who have already earned the RHCSA certification will be exposed to all competencies covered by the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam (EX300).

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  • Red Hat System Administration III with RHCSA & RHCE Exam (RH255)

    The course is focused on deploying and managing network servers running caching Domain Name Service (DNS), MariaDB, Apache HTTPD, Postfix SMTP nullclients, network file sharing with Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), iSCSI initiators and targets, advanced networking and firewalld configurations, and the use of Bash shell scripting to help automate, configure, and troubleshoot the system. Through lectures and hands-on labs, students who have already earned the RHCSA certification will be exposed to all competencies covered by the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam (EX300).

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  • RHCE® Certification Lab (RH299)

    During the 4-day course, students will work at their own pace through the complete set of labs from both the RHCSA (Red Hat Certified System Administrator) Rapid Track course (RH199) and Red Hat System Administration III (RH254). The RHCE Certification Lab course includes a few instructor lectures designed to review key technologies such as systemd, firewalld, and IPv6. For the classroom and virtual classroom versions of this course, an instructor will be available throughout the week to assist students as they work through the labs.

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  • RHCE Certification Lab with RHCSA and RHCE exams (RH300)

    During the course, students will work at their own pace through the complete set of labs from both the Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) Rapid Track course (RH199) and Red Hat System Administration III (RH254). The RHCE Certification Lab course includes a few instructor lectures designed to review key technologies such as systemd, firewalld, and IPv6. For the classroom and virtual classroom versions of this course, an instructor will be available throughout the week to assist students as they work through the labs.

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  • Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) Exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (EX294)

    The performance-based Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (EX294) tests your knowledge and skill in managing multiple systems using Red Hat® Ansible® Engine and executing common system administration tasks across a number of systems with Ansible. The skills tested in this exam are the foundation for system administration across many Red Hat products.

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Red Hat Learning Subscription & Self-Paced Courses

Feature Basic Standard Premium
Self-paced training – access to more than 1000 videos and high-definition training
Hands-on labs – 400 hour of cloud-based labs on authentic Red Hat software
Early access – advance screening of in-development courses and labs
Red Hat Training Bookshelf – e-book access for all training courses
Skills paths – curated groups of courses and exams that lead to broader goals, such as certification. Includes the ability to customize your own path
Expert extras – supplemental video content delivered by Red Hat experts
Certification exams – 5 attempts and 5 retakes for certification exams
Lab plus – hands-on scenario-based courses using product lab environments
Live chats with Red Hat certified experts for help with training
Live, virtual sessions – interactive, instructor-led sessions
  • Red Hat Learning Subscription (Basic)

    Business needs change. New technologies emerge. How do you keep pace? Try Red Hat Learning Subscription, which offers all of our Red Hat Online Learning courses and more in a single package! This program allows you to take any of these courses at your own pace, saving you time, energy, and money.

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  • Red Hat Learning Subscription (Standard)

    Red Hat® Learning Subscription Standard is the newest level of the Red Hat Learning Subscription product by Red Hat Training. Positioned as an upgrade from the Basic Tier, the Standard level delivers access to all Red Hat online training courses in a single, annual subscription. It also includes expert seminars, instructor office hours and access to certification exams. Customers will receive unlimited access to our online learning content, up to 400 hours of hands-on lab time, and more than 300 recorded instructor videos—all for one low price.

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  • Red Hat Learning Subscription (Premium)

    Red Hat® Learning Subscription Premium provides a customizable learning experience with self-paced and live training options. Users can tailor their learning with recorded video classes, e-books, online content, and live virtual classes. A subscription provides access to content across the entire Red Hat product portfolio, content that is continuously updated by Red Hat experts. Live, instructor-led classes create an engaging, immersive learning experience. These interactive sessions compliment the on-demand, self-paced learning materials available with a Red Hat Learning Subscription for highly effective, flexible training for everyone from beginners to experienced professionals.

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