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Search UMBC Training Centers

Course Overviews

UMBC Training Centers offers a variety of non-credit courses and workshops to support systems engineers.

View upcoming Systems Engineering Courses

General Audience

  • INCOSE Systems Engineering Professional (SEP) Exam Preparation

    This course will help you contextualized the various Organizational, Project and Technical processes that are necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest.” With the aid of a comprehensive Process Flow diagram (created specially for this course), the instructor will walk the students from the Portfolio Management Process to the Disposal Process in a logical and sequential manner, while covering all 31 processes within the INCOSE SE Handbook.

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  • Principles of Systems Engineering

    This course utilizes the INCOSE SE Handbook version 4 in teaching the fundamentals of Systems Engineering. The course contextualizes the various Organizational, Project and Technical processes that are necessary to realize a “System-of-Interest.”

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  • Decision and Risk Analysis

    This course provides an overview of decision and risk analysis techniques. It focuses on how to make rational decisions in the presence of uncertainty and conflicting objectives. Concepts will be illustrated through case studies and practiced by students through exercises.

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  • System Architecture and Design

    This course covers the development of a system architecture and hardware/software system design within the overall systems engineering (SE) process.

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  • Capturing System Requirements

    This course prepares the student to properly identify, define and confirm the customer’s true requirements when they are needed – prior to the design and development of the system. The key to every project’s success, accurately captured requirements are not only essential for meeting stakeholders’ expectations, but also to avoid costly delays, added cost for rework, and poor customer relations.

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  • Gathering and Documenting Requirements with Use-Cases

    Learn best practices for gathering and documenting user requirements based on the use-case approach. Over the course of a case-study project, trainees gain experience facilitating requirements-gathering workshops and creating textual use-case documentation with supporting diagrams.

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  • Creating and Presenting an Effective Business Case

    In this course students will learn to develop and deliver a business case for project initiatives, and to do it in such a way that decision makers will make the right choice. The crux of the course is the examination of the six aspects of feasibility: technical, risk, economic, legal, operational, and schedule. Specifically, participants will learn to perform cost/benefit and risk analyses and to use a weighted decision model to evaluate alternate solutions to a business initiative.

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  • Introduction to UML and Visual Modeling

    Students are introduced to OOAD and UML in this course. The most common UML diagrams used to capture design decisions are explained.

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  • Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) Foundations

    This 3-day course will introduce you to SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), one of the most popular business initiatives among corporations and government organizations today. Service Oriented Architecture provides a more agile and comprehensive way to integrate information systems and businesses processes than more traditional approaches. Students will be exposed to a broad range of enterprise SOA subjects, providing a solid foundational understanding of both business and technology elements of SOA.

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  • Business Process Management (BPM) Foundations

    This 3-day workshop explores the world of Business Process Management (BPM), providing students with a firm foundation in BPM principles, drivers, methodologies, and common practices. BPM is examined as an overarching initiative aimed at transforming organizations through process improvement and organizational alignment.

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  • Digital Engineering

    This course covers the essentials of Digital Engineering, which is an advancement and evolution of proven Systems Engineering methods and frameworks.

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  • Digital Engineering Modeling

    This course teaches the essentials of Digital Engineering Modeling. The focus is on developing skills expected of all systems engineers and architects working in a digital engineering environment, using modeling languages, methods, and tools. You will develop abilities to model, design, communicate, and collaborate as engineers applying modeling languages, modeling methods, and tools to develop complex systems using teamwork, collaboration, and sound systems engineering.

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  • Enterprise Architecture Practitioner's Guide (Extended)

    This course lays the foundation of the core EA concepts, using TOGAF as the common vocabulary for enterprise architecture. The course then focuses on practical skills to perform the foundational activities of EA: Developing a vision; establishing an architecture baseline; developing a target business architecture, target data architecture, target application architecture, and target technology architecture.

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